Legal Notice

Publisher information :
The site “modernenglishparis.com” is published by MICHELLE SERGENT.
SIRET: 79419717800013
Chair: Michelle SERGENT
Headquarters: 51 RUE FONDARY, 75015 PARIS
E-mail: michelle@modernenglishparis.com
Intellectual property :
In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, all agreements containing copyright provisions, partial or total reproductions of texts, images or illustrations not explicitly intended to be downloaded by visitors are Prohibited without prior authorization of the publisher or of any right holder.
Responsibilities :
The use of the information contained on this site is the sole responsibility of its user.
All the resources contained in this site, texts, visuals and illustrations (diagrams, drawings, plans, photographs and computer animations) are communicated purely for information and can in no way engage the responsibility of the publisher. No content of the site has contractual value.
Exercise of the right of access :
In accordance with article 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés”, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of access, contact: contact@modernenglishparis.com
Brands and logos, hypertext links :
Any use whatsoever of the brand names and logos of this site is prohibited without the authorization of CAROLINE TISSIER. Any hyperlink to this site is subject to prior authorization.
Conception / realization :
Website : Steven DIAI – Freelance Webmaster Paris
Graphic Design : Amandine SCHMIDT – Graphic Designer Paris
Hosting :
OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1
SIREN: 424 761 419